Wayne Schaefer
Volunteer Work
Wayne Schaefer
100 Niagara College Boulevard
Welland, Ontario L3C 7L3
E-mail: waschaefer@niagaracollege.ca
Phone: 905-735-2211 x7913

The following achievements are beyond my work at General Motors and Niagara College. It is important to note that these volunteer activities involve interfacing with the public while in a service and support role.
Niagara Regional Science and Technology Fair - Judge - Project. (2013 – 2019)
McMaster University Engineering Competition - Judge - Senior Design (2014 – 2016, 2018, 2019)
Ontario Engineering Competition (Ryerson, Waterloo, Ottawa) - Judge - Senior Design (2015 - 2019)
Electrical Engineering Program Advisory Committee - Niagara College (2015 – 2019)
2009 - 2012: Head Judge and Tournament Advisor – FIRST Lego League (FLL) competition in Bangkok, Thailand. The 2009 inaugural event was sponsored by Gammaco and supported by the Thailand Minister of Education. Over 2 dozen teams competing each year. Winning teams met with the Prime Minister of Thailand. Earned the Volunteer Award 2010.
2005 - 2007: Director FLL - Ontario. Provided direction, support and assistance for the FIRST (For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Lego League of Ontario. Job included overseeing 11 tournaments for 240 teams collimating in the Ontario Championship. I also continued as director of the Niagara Tournament
2002 – 2005: Involved in mentoring FIRST teams to compete in Robotic Competitions. Mentored Team#1114 (2003, 2004 as well as teams for the FIRST Lego League. Also took the position as the director and coordinator of the Inaugural Niagara Regional Competition (Dec05).
1995 – 1997, 2000, 2001: Assistant First Aid Coordinator for a campground in Newcastle, Pa., which serviced over 10,000 medieval enthusiasts for two weeks. Included setting up and supplying two temporary first aid posts, organizing and orienting 250 first aiders from Canada, USA and Europe as well as working with the local emergency services to meet Pennsylvania town codes and Disaster Planning Regulations. This was done during personal vacation time.
2000 – 2002: Head of First Aid for the Society for Creative Anachronism (Ontario chapter)
1991 - 2004: Member of St. John Ambulance, D109, St. Catharines. Trained in CPR, Std. First Aid, Advanced First Aid (EMR), Oxygen Admin, BTS Level 2 and Medical First Responder. Also served terms as Corporal, Supply Sergeant, Transport Sergeant, Officer in Charge (1998-1999) and Divisional Transport Officer (1999 – 2002). Received Special Accommodation, Priory Vote of Thanks (PVOT) and invested as a Serving Brother of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (SBStJ) in recognition of service to the community and St. John Ambulance. Retired after completing a term as Superintendent.
1995 - 1998: Designed, implemented and maintained a full website for The Migraine Association of Canada (Toronto) and the local Migraine Support Group. Active and popular site with over 500,000 hits along with 40 requests for information a week. Assisted in running the local groups monthly meetings.
1989 - 2000: Timing Engineer for the St. Catharines Soap Box Derby. Design and constructed the timing circuits and computer database required for the Local and All American Soap Box Derby races. Responsible for ensuring technical aspect of annual races run smoothly.
1990 - 1993: Assisted the St. Catharines Housing Help Centre and the Niagara Centre for Youth Care. Involved in helping and providing shelter for homeless teenagers and assisting in financial aid. Provided emergency shelter and accommodation in personal residence for up to 3 teens at a time.
1984 Advisor for a Junior Achievement Company, St. Catharines.
1981: Designed and build a 5C22 Thyratron Firing circuit for the University of Western Ontario Electrical Engineering Department. Job was included as part of my 2nd place award received at the London Science Fair.
1982 (Summer Months) Worked as a camp counselor at Camp Queen Elizabeth (London YMCA). Camp Director: Marilee Tisdal
1979 - 1981 Member of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets (Sqn. 862) involved with community service in Lambeth, Ontario. Attended Basic Training, Trenton, Leadership Acceleration Training, RMC, Kingston. Duke of Edinburgh Award for fitness, service and hobbies.